

Index of volume 5

  1. Cliff Smyth, Editor
    Introduction and Editorial
  2. Index
  3. Adjoa Domelevo and Bernard Andrieu
    Flow in Feldenkrais’ theory and practice: An example of emersiology of the living body
    [Feldenkrais Research News]
  4. Sondra Fraleigh
    Teaching through movement: A detective story
    [Hypothesis and Theory / History]
  5. Hillel D Braude
    Between psychology and philosophy: A review of Thinking and Doing by Moshe Feldenkrais
    [Review / Hypothesis and Theory / History]
  6. Rhiannon Newton, Zoran Kovich and Julie-Anne Long
    Feldenkrais Method® and independent dance practice: Cultivating personal presence and responsiveness in a mutually shared creative practice
    [Original Research]
  7. Madeleine Edgar, Greg Anderson and Neil Tuttle
    Effects of a 12-week series of Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® classes on functional ability, quality of life, and kinesiophobia on retirement age adults
    [Original Research]
  8. Patricia A Buchanan, Nicole L Nelsen and Simon Geletta
    United States Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teachers®: A survey of characteristics and practice patterns
    [Original Research: Reprint]
  9. Abraham Mansbach
    Becoming ourselves: Feldenkrais and Foucault on soma and culture
    [Hypothesis and Theory]
  10. Cliff Smyth
    Feldenkrais Method® and health: Phenomenological perspectives
    [Hypothesis and Theory]
  11. Thomas Fuchs, Roger Russell, Ulla Schlaefke and Sabina Graf-Pointner
    A conversation about Leibgedächtnis (body memory)
    [Hypothesis and Theory]
  12. Thomas Kampe
    ‘crossing/weaving’: somatic interventions in choreographic practices
    [Hypothesis and Theory]


Published by the International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF)

[Anonymous] (2016).  Index. Feldenkrais Research Journal. 5,
FRJ-5-Index-180727.pdf142.79 KB